Bank opposite the Trinity Arms

Parishioners will have noticed that the roadside bank opposite the Trinity Arms has started to collapse and earlier this year it was necessary to undertake some emergency remedial work to prevent further risk of collapse resulting in damage to passing motorists or injury to pedestrians.

We have obtained a detailed planning consent to construct a retaining wall and provide a footpath which will much improve the safety of pedestrians walking between the Parish church/bus stop and the centre of the village, and secure this bank for future generations.

We are fortunate that funding for this project is available from our First Time Buyers’ Homes reserve.

Subject to the approval of the parishioners at the rates Assembly on the 14th of July we intend to enter into a contract with a contractor for the work, tenders for which have already been received and audited by our professional quantity surveyors.

The Department of Infrastructure will be making a nominal contribution towards the cost and they will take responsibility for the day to day supervision of the project.

This work will take several months to complete and will inevitably results in some temporary traffic diversions being required.

All being well, we anticipate the work commencing in September 2022.

Full size drawings are available to view at the Parish Hall and should any parishioner wish to meet and discuss the project in more detail please contact the Constable.