Parish Assembly (Main Assembly) 11th July 2024
AN ASSEMBLY of the PRINCIPALS and ELECTORS of the Parish of Trinity will be held in the Parish Hall on Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7pm for the following business:-
- To receive and, if deemed advisable, adopt the Minutes of the Parish Assembly held on 13th July 2023.
2. To receive the Accounts of the Connétable for the Financial Year 2023 – 2024, the said Accounts having been previously verified and approved by the Committee named for that purpose, assisted by a professional accountant.
3. To vote a sum of money towards the upkeep of the Parish by-roads for the current year.
4. To vote a sum of money towards various Charities.
5. To approve a rate that will produce for the Parish, income that is at least sufficient for the presumed requirements for the financial year ending 30th April 2025, as set out in the approved estimates.
6. To agree the sum to be transferred to the Church capital projects reserve.
7. To agree the sum to be transferred to the Vehicle replacement reserve.
8. To approve a sum of money from reserves to update the Parish Hall (refurbish the hall floor; purchase and install a dishwasher and water boiler; and purchase and install a projector and screen).
9. To approve a sum of money from reserves toward the Parish Celebrations for Liberation 80.
10. To re-appoint Alex Picot Chartered Accountants to prepare and audit the Connétable’s Accounts for the Financial Year 2024 – 2025.
11. To elect a committee to examine the Connétable’s Accounts for the year 2024 – 2025.
12. To elect a Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine of Rozel, there being a vacancy.
13. To elect a Roads Inspector for the Vingtaine of Croiserie, there being a vacancy.
14. To consider and, if agreed, authorise the Parish to enter into a lease of the Riley Field to the Trinity Football and Social Club for such length and such other terms as is deemed appropriate by the Connétable and Procureurs.
Copies of the previous minutes of the last main Assembly (to be approved) together with the Accounts for 2023 – 2024 will be available in draft from the Parish Hall Office from 9am on Monday 8th July 2024, and immediately prior to the Assembly on Thursday 11th July 2024. The proposal submitted by Trinity Football and Social Club (in relation to item 14.) is available here and at the Parish Office.
4th July 2024 Philip Le Sueur
Parish Hall Connétable