Election of Honorary Police Officers
At the recent Electoral and Parish Assemblies on 19th April 2022, three officers were elected. Centenier Dennis Owen was re-elected to that role following the conclusion of his first term of office as a Centenier, and Vingtenier Stephen de Louche was also elected as a Centenier. Sue Ingram was welcomed to the Honorary Police Force upon her election as a Constable’s Officer. All three officers will be sworn in formally before the Royal Court of Jersey. Steve Gallichan, a long-serving member of the Honorary Police, who had until recently fulfilled both the role of Centenier together with that of Chef de Police very capably, particularly during the pandemic, was presented with a certificate by the Connétable, who thanked him on behalf of the Parish for all his hard work during his time as an officer.

Left to right: Centenier Steve de Louche, Constable’s Officer Sue Ingram, the Connétable and Steve Gallichan