Trinity Scarecrow Festival 28th and 29th August 2022
On Sunday 28th August and Monday 29th August 2022 between 10am – 3pm we are excited to be holding our 1st ever Trinity Scarecrow festival with the kind permission and support of our Connétable.
This aims to be a great community event that really puts Trinity on the map and let’s people see what a great rural Parish we have – however we need YOU to help make it happen.
Why not have fun and enter our free competition by making and displaying a scarecrow in your garden/driveway/field? The theme is Books, TV and Film so there is lots of scope to get creative.
To make it a success we NEED YOUR HELP! We are looking for individuals, families, businesses and local organisations/groups to make and enter a Scarecrow for our Trinity Scarecrow Festival being held 28th – 29th August 2022.
There are 3 options that you can choose from:
1. Make and display your own Scarecrow (must be within Trinity Parish and visible from the road/footpath)
2. Make and donate a Scarecrow for us to display within the Parish. ( anyone Islandwide is welcome to choose this option )
3. Host a donated Scarecrow ( must be within Trinity Parish and visible from the road/footpath)
Please email us to enter, indicating your option choice and to have your location added to our Scarecrow Festival Map (must be received no later than noon on 14th August, so that the map can be printed).
Entry is free and prizes will be awarded. There is no limit on the number of Scarecrows you may wish to make.
Are you up for the challenge? If so, please email [email protected]
We will be printing/uploading a map showing all of the scarecrow locations which will be free and available from our stand at the Parish Hall during our Festival to enable everyone to find them.
Non-Trinity residents are also very welcome to enter and can let us have their Scarecrow on Saturday 28th August ( our Parish Hall will be open 9.30am – 3pm ) so that we can place those Scarecrows around the parish at their designated host locations.
We are hoping there will plenty of Scarecrows entered – the list is growing daily but we want more! Around the Parish Hall area we are currently arranging to have static displays (Jersey Classic Car Club are already signed up) and stalls, plus there will be a smaller Scarecrow childrens’ trail.
Pitches for stalls are free to anyone who wishes to have one at the Parish Hall on either or both days, however they will need to supply their own table and book their place in advance.
It would be great to hear from you if you wish to take part in the competition in any of the described ways. Additionally if you have any questions or would like further information before you commit, just get in touch at [email protected]
Alternatively find more information on
Facebook page Trinity Scarecrow Festival
We are also keen to hear from anyone wishing to volunteer and assist with this event.
The spirit of the Trinity Scarecrow Festival is all about our community working together to provide a weekend of simple family fun and creativity.
It is hoped that the 2022 inaugural Trinity Scarecrow Festival could become an integral part of the Parish calendar. Similar festivals in the UK attract many visitors into their village, with some visitors travelling quite a distance to the event – lets see if we can tempt our ‘Westies’ to venture North-East and our ‘Southerners’ Northwards to see what Trinity offers.
All of the organisation for the weekend will be carried out by a group of committed volunteers, whether they are on the organising committee or helpers on the day.
Anyone wishing to be involved in any way is asked to email [email protected] in the first instance.
Thank you
Karen & Diane