Electoral Assembly and Parish Assembly 13th August 2024


Nomination meetings will be held on Tuesday 13th August 2024 at 7:00pm at Trinity Parish Hall to:

  1. elect one Procureur du Bien Public for a 3 year term of office expiring September 2027.
  2. elect one Centenier for a 3 year term of office expiring September 2027.

All electors are welcome to attend.

A nomination form for the candidate for election must be produced to the meeting and must be completed by a proposer and 9 seconders who are electors in the Parish. It is recommended that this be verified with the Parish office beforehand. 

Should there be more candidates than vacancies a poll with be held on Wednesday 11th September 2024.  In the event that only one candidate is nominated they will be declared duly elected at the nomination meeting.

To vote in this election you must have registered by midday on Monday 12th August 2024.


An Assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish of Trinity will be held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday 13th August 2024 at 7.15 pm to:

  1. elect one Constable’s Officers, one for the Vingtaine of Rondin, there being a vacancy.

2. consider the following application for recommendation to the Licensing Assembly:

Name of applicant:     Sea Level Eco Distillery Limited

Address:                      Woodside Farms Limited, La Rue Coutanche, Trinity JE3 5DU

Category of licence:    6th Category (Off licence)

Copies of the previous minutes to be approved will be available in draft from the Parish Hall, during office hours, from 9am on Monday 12th August 2024, and immediately prior to the Assembly on Tuesday 13th August 2024.

7th August 2024                                                                       Philip Le Sueur

Parish Hall                                                                               Connétable

The above Notice was affixed in the official Notice Box on 7th August 2024 in conformity with the Law.

                                                                                                Geoffrey Houghton
