Spring Market organised by the Parish Climate Change Group
The first event organised by the Group to raise awareness about climate change and what we can do to look after the environment was a resounding success, thanks to the hard work of the Group in the lead up to and on the day of the event itself. It was also helped by stunning weather, for which everyone involved was grateful.
The emphasis in respect of the retail stalls was locally made or grown or sustainable products, and a full list of the participants who either took part or supplied wares for sale in the Market is available here:
In addition, stalls were run by Jersey Royals and Jersey Diary, both of whom are LEAF accredited (Linking Environment and Farming) proving they use sustainable practices, Jersey Royal raising money for Riding for the Disabled and Jersey Dairy for the Bailiff’s Ukraine Appeal. Potatoes and 9 litres of ice-cream were then gratefully received by The Shelter at the end of the event.
Bouley Bay Dive Centre focused on what we can do to protect our precious oceans and the Government of Jersey had a presence at the Market, encouraging everyone to reduce, reuse and recycle. In the spirit of reuse, Eco Potty Pots provided lots of visitors with free pots. From a recycling perspective, it was great to see a Cans for Corridors stall in the Parish Hall, which initiative is now in its third decade.
Derek Warwick kindly loaned us an electric car and we also had a number of different types of Evie bikes at the event, all of which disappeared over the course of the day!
In addition to the stalls selling delicious bread, cakes, chocolate and fudge, visitors to the Market could have an all-day breakfast roll and hot drink courtesy of the 6th Jersey Scout Group or some amazing Carribbean food from R&R Street Food (or both of course!).
Children (and the young at heart) could get dirty or get creative or both planting seeds and painting pebbles.
The Market proved to be a great community event, and is likely to be a fixture in the Parish calendar – please watch this space…