A blooming marvellous year for the Parish!
27 July 2022
The Parish was recently awarded a total of six awards at the 2022 Jersey in Bloom Competition Awards Dinner, its best performance to date in this annual competition.
It received:
- The Prix d’Excellence
- A Gold award in the Small Coastal Category
- A Silver Gilt award in the Parish Hall Category
- Three Judges’ Discretionary Awards for Les Maisons Cabot (Best Community Housing Project), Le Tacheron Farm (Best Natural Heritage Project) and The Queen’s Canopy Wood on the Glebe Field (Best Wood Creation Project).
These awards are a result of a lot of planning and hard work by a dedicated group of individuals who have braved all sorts of weather over the months to ensure that we were looking our very best when the judges visited.
A very big thank you and well done to everyone who contributed in any way to our success.

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